Announcing Lakeview Nutrition Program

Following on the Heels of this Fall’s wonderfully successful Lakeview ASB Snack/Food drive to support Hopelink and families in need, the Lakview PTSA would like to introduce the new PTSA Lakeview Nutrition Program.

The Lakeview Nutrition Program will collect donations to support the existing Lakeview Snack Programs and Pantry Pack Program. This program is designed to supplement and assist with students nutritional needs, as well as to ensure that ALL our kids learn with their tummies full. 1 in 7 Lakeview students need help meeting their daily nutritional needs (14%). Our goal is to facilitate, support and improve access to food, so no one in our Lakeview community goes hungry.

As a very first step we invite the Lakeview community to bring snack items (see list below) or a monetary donation to any future Lakeview event. Starting at Multi-Cultural Night on December 1, 2016, there will always be a donation bin present at Lakeview events, so you can help neighbors in need.

If you have any questions or would like to help end hunger in our community, please contact Lale Giray or Karee Oliver.

Snack Item Donations Requestedthankyouapple
Individually Packaged:
Fruit Snacks
Dried Fruit / Nuts
Granola Bars / Protein Bars

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