Staff Appreciation

Staff Appreciation

The Staff Appreciation committee looks for ways to express our thanks and appreciation for all Lakeview staff throughout the year. If you would like to be involved please contact [email protected]

Staff Appreciation Week

Staff Appreciation Week is held annually in May at Lakeview. It is a very special time at Lakeview. It’s our opportunity to thank the wonderful people who educate & care for our children. Please join the PTSA in showing our Lakeview Staff how grateful we are for all they do for our kids!

Here are examples of things we’ve done in the past:

  • A homecooked staff breakfast. Items can be dropped off at the school as early as 7:00am, staff usually starts arriving around 8:00am.
  • Afternoon snack bar for the staff.
  • “Adopt” a staff member. This is for our non-classroom teachers who support the whole school.

Individual classrooms are welcome to shower their teachers with thanks as determined by each room parent. Cards, flowers, etc. are encouraged but not required and class gifts should be limited to $40.

If you have questions or would like to help, please contact PTSA Special Events at [email protected]

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