PTSA leadership fundraising appeal

2019-20 PTSA fundraising 101:

We do fundraising a little differently than some schools. Instead of having kids sell tchotchkes door to door we make a simple ask once a year for donations. The Lakeview PTSA plans to spend $161 per student, and we get about a 60% per kid participation rate in fundraising overall.

Anything you give will be directly spent improving the quality of your kids’ educational experience.


There are a few changes to fundraising this year:

  • The Jog-a-thon is now the Read-a-thon. We’ve got some fun activities planned!
  • We are not planning on doing an auction this year. That fundraiser was a special push to purchase the new playground. Now that the playground is here we are going back to “business as usual.”
  • Donations have moved online – see the Read-a-thon page for more details.

Did you know that more than 50% of our PTSA dollars were raised during this push last year?  Given that we aren’t doing an auction this spring, we need to raise about 80% of the money we will raise this year in the next few weeks.

Please take action to support our kids and our school today, and please make sure your donations are supported if a match is available from your employer!

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